Training Center
Area: 48 thousand square meters.
Street: Professor Vereador Murilo Pacheco Menezes, 125
Neighborhood: Primavera
City: Uberaba
Triângulo Mineiro
State: Minas Gerais
Population: 400 thousand
* 2 fields for training 100 x 70, with reserves of banks 2x6 and 2 officers beams with nets.
* 1 field for game 100 x 70, 2 reserves of banks 2x6 and 2 beams with official networks, home representatives. All surrounded with fence with three gates.
All fields have nets behind the goals, with 7m high and 30m long.
* We have
2 official size mobile beams with nets.
3 point for 20 length
2 moving averages beams with nets.
4 mini mobile beams.
1 barrier 2x3 mobile iron.
2 forces 2 meters cabeceio and impulsion.
2 forces of two meters and a half to cabeceio and impulsion.
* Speedway 600 meters.
* Seawall 20m long by 3m height
* Sand box measuring 12 x 28.
* Parking for 100 cars.
* Entrance to all structure, security gatehouse and garden.
* Artesian well 140 meters, flow 30,000 liters hour of water.
* Water tank of 10,000 liters.
* Caretaker's house with 100 square meters.
* Seats for fans to 300 people.
Under construction
* 4 Changing rooms
* Linen
* Secretary
* Meeting room
* Warehouse
* Medical department
* Academy
* 2 Bathrooms
* Balcony
Total 300 square meters of construction.
Space open for construction:
* Spot
* Bleacher
* Gymnasium
* Synthetic court
* Pools
* Bleachers **
* Holiday base and professional
* Canteensbr>
* Physiotherapy
** Bleachers under construction for 400 people.
The Training Center is all surrounded with fence, the front part is walled with wall 3x140 meters entire film with sponsorships.