
Triângulo Mineiro FC dominates the base of Uberaba

Trófeus Campeonatos Triângulo Mineiro Futebol Clube

Club run by former athletes Marco Túlio (chairman) and Carlos Calmon (vice president) who has only a year and a half of life, which has shown why he came and teaching the professional clubs of the city as it is football, with a modern training center with professional philosophy, with high-quality teachers, updated work with planning, organization, discipline, even with great difficulty by not supporting the governments and businesses of Uberaba, the team already dominates the city base .

In 2012 in its first year of existence and official championships, the Triângulo Mineiro was mirim and children's champion, runner-up in the junior and 3rd place in the youth, did not attend the pre-Mirim 2012, had several individual awards and scorers less hollow goalkeepers and coaches.

This year 2013 the Triângulo Mineiro, more structured and experienced in competitions, Lobo Guará comes running over his opponents, child trained by Rodrigo "Popao" was runner-up losing to Fabrício the decision, its only defeat in the competition, having gunner and less leaked goalkeeper. In junior he won with a remarkable campaign by his coach Marcinho "Coreia" which also took all the individual awards, and Miner Junior team did well being disqualified on goal by Araxá.

For pre-mirim category, commands the Luizinho, Bantam champion by Triângulo in 2012 and named best coach Uberaba base categories, has been making beautiful again. The team leads the competition with 19 points, 7 games, 6 wins and a draw, 39 goals scored and 6 conceded and has the Everton top scorer with 19 goals and less leaked goalkeeper Leandro Ferreira with 6 goals conceded.

On the last Sunday Lobo Guará took no notice of Fabrico in their stadium and thrashed by 6 to 0. Next Sunday at 8:30 am, in the Triangle of CT have the leader of the confrontation Triângulo and deputy leader Independente, everyone is invited for sanctioning the future athletes of the city.

In juvenile Triângulo Mineiro is no different. The team led by Vandão, children's champion 2012, is beautiful too. The staff is 100% in competition Liga Uberabense de Futebol (LUF) are six games and six wins 17 goals scored and only one suffered. Next Saturday the Triângulo Mineiro faces Atlético Uberabense, at 15h30, the CT Triângulo. The new team Uberaba is already making history in championships organized by LUF. Two years can get all the entity's securities.